So, I've been compiling a list of dog breeds I want to own someday, arranging them into groups of three, and brainstorming names for them. Because I think this is a really good use of my time right now. Assuming an average lifespan of 12 years per dog, and assuming I won't want more than three dogs at any given time, in order to own one each of the following breeds I need to start fifteen years ago and live to be 154. Hm. Still, this was fun.
Note: A few breeds are interchangeable to me, as is indicated by slashes (/).
Leonberger: Orson or Ursa
Brittany: Bourbon
Boxer: Augustus ("Gus")
Weimaraner/Viszla: Nickel/Penny
Australian Kelpie: Oz
Briard: Filibuster
Australian Shepherd: Matilda
Chesapeake Bay Retriever: Charlotte
Basenji: Yosemite
Standard Schnauzer/Kerry Blue Terrier: Moses
Doberman Pinscher: Turtle
Akita: Ticonderoga ("Ty")
Schipperke: Escher
Borzoi/Afghan Hound: Baryshnikov
Airedale Terrier: Wallace
Pharoah Hound/Ibizan: Niles
Norfolk Terrier: Graham
Bernese Mountain Dog: Stella
Great Dane: Horatio
Shiba Inu: Kismet
Standard French Poodle: Wellington
Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever: Chloe
English Foxhound: Hugh
Canaan Dog: Jerusha
Belgian Tervuren: Wagner
Black Russian Terrier: Trotsky
Finnish Spitz: Terwilliger
Group Ten
Newfoundland: Noah
Dachshund (miniature smooth): Shoe
Yorkshire Terrier: Pudding
Group Eleven
Border Collie: McCoy
Kuvasz: Magellan
Gordon Setter: Charlemagne
Group Twelve
Rottweiler: Grissom
Siberian Husky/Malamute: Mush
Rhodesian Ridgeback: Malcolm
FOr whatever reason I only just noticed this post. I like your list, but I think you should also rescue a retired racing greyhound!!! (if you don't know about retired racers, I can tell you ALL about them because I learned everything I possibly could about them when I was 13. And when I was 13, I had chosen the name Blitzen, but I haven't thought about it in a long time--I think now it would depend on the dog.) I love a lot of the dogs on this list.
I also have an inexplicable attraction to bulldogs. I saw a special on PBS about dogs that I told you about. They explained how bulldogs have been bred so that they have all sorts of health problems, so I feel like I shouldn't get one because I feel like I'd be supporting animal cruelty in the form of breeding.
And I'd definitely pick a Borzoi over an Afghan hound.
You are so awesome and nerdy. I love the names (even though some of them are almost ridiculously stereotypical...) and love the breeds! And you! I love you!
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